AI in Consumer Devices

​It has been announced that Wimbledon will team up with IBM to produce AI-generated commentary. Within the last year, AI has been at the forefront of the news with new stories out every week on the latest developments in machine learning and artificial intelligence which has been driven by the introduction of Transformer neural networks in 2017.

While these language models, like the one being used at Wimbledon, are very expensive to train and run, they will eventually revolutionize the consumer market once made more widely available and are mounted onto smaller devices. Not only can they serve very near human-like responses for smart assistants, but they can also offer incredibly accurate real-time responses for live translation, massively improving the functionality of translation wearables.

SAR believes that the AI boom will be one of, if not the most major driver of change in the consumer market within the next decade offering massive opportunities to companies already in the consumer and AI spaces such as Google, Apple, and Amazon.

SAR Insight and Consulting is the custom research & consulting division of Sensian Research Ltd. and a sister company of DATAportl. All analyst insight provided by either DATAportl or SAR Insight & Consulting remains the intellectual property of Sensian Research Ltd.



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