Wiferion Launches Compact Wireless Charging System for Small Mobile Robots

Image Source: ACCESSWIRE

Wiferion, a supplier of wireless charging solutions for mobile robots and autonomous industrial vehicles has introduced its new etaLINK 1000 wireless charging system to the US. This new system provides 1kW charging, lower than the existing etaLink 12000 and 3000 (12kW and 3kW respectively). The benefit of the new system is its smaller size, allowing it to be installed on smaller robots than previous systems.

A newer smaller system will expand the potential market for wireless charging in these applications. The benefits of a wireless charging system for autonomous robots, such as seamless recharging requiring no human intervention, are an obvious advantage. A 1kW system expands the offering across the AMR/AMV range. Its smaller size and weight will allow the robots to retain the battery capacity and range that using a higher-powered system would eat into. SAR covers the market for the wireless charging of robots and vehicles as a part of its wider Wireless Power and Charging Technologies service.

The original article is here.

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