Head Acoustics offers LE Audio testing environment

​Head Acoustics has updated its solutions to support testing of the new Bluetooth LE Audio protocol. LE Audio, while it was announced in January 2020, it is only just come to market in the past year or so. One issue for companies adopting this technology into their portfolio of headphones is the risk of negative press and wasted resources if their implementation isn’t up to scratch with competitors. However, being the first to market offers the potential for huge gains as consumers purchase new devices for the updated technology and additional use cases that it brings.

SAR believes that the higher abundance of testing opportunities for the new tech will drastically decrease time to market as OEMs can be sure that their devices work seamlessly on the new protocol.

Currently, SAR estimates that LE Audio will become the most dominant codec in the market within the next five years, outpacing Bluetooth Classic. However, the original protocol will remain on many duel-chips to ensure compatibility with older devices with longer lifecycles such as laptops, PCs, and automobiles.

The original article is here.

SAR Insight and Consulting is the custom research & consulting division of Sensian Research Ltd. and a sister company of DATAportl. All analyst insight provided by either DATAportl or SAR Insight & Consulting remains the intellectual property of Sensian Research Ltd.



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