xMEMS brings speakers plus programmable vent to production

Image Source: xMEMS

​The SAR audio team visited xMEMS during our recent short tour of the Bay Area. During this time we were treated to a demo from the xMEMS team of its most recent products. SAR has been covering MEMS speakers for a few years now and are well versed on xMEMS products and their competitors (see MEMS Speakers).

What was of particular interest this time was the Skyline DynamicVent which is a novel idea that enables automatic or manual opening of a vent to enable ambient noise to pass through. This enables occluded/closed ear bud designs to also be unocluded/open when desired, such as when a user wants to hear external noise. Similar to “transparency mode” enabled on various TWS devices but with a much more natural sound.

The original article is here.

SAR Insight and Consulting is the custom research & consulting division of Sensian Research Ltd. and a sister company of DATAportl. All analyst insight provided by either DATAportl or SAR Insight & Consulting remains the intellectual property of Sensian Research Ltd.



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