Wiferion Enters the North American Market

Image Source: ACCESSWIRE

Headquartered in Germany, Wiferion is a supplier of wireless charging systems for AGVs (Autonomous Ground Vehicles), AMRs (Autonomous Mobile Robots) and other industrial trucks and robots. Wiferion will officially open a new office in Chicago, launching their new North American subsidiary at the ProMat trade show in Chicago on Tuesday, March 21. This new office will allow Wiferion to better serve new and existing customers in the US.

The ability to wirelessly charge AGVs and AMRs is an important part of the ecosystem for wireless charging technologies, demonstrating the capabilities at power levels into the Kilowatts. Benefits in these applications include easier autonomous charging, less wear on components and allowing electronics to be fully sealed. Wiferion opening a North American subsidiary will help aid the adoption of wireless charging in this sector. As no standard exists yet for the wireless charging of industrial robots, expanding into the North American market may help Wiferion to cement its technology in the ahead of competitors. SAR covers the charging of AMRs and AGVs as a part of its wider Wireless Power and Charging Technologies service.

The original article is here.

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