Renesas to Acquire Panthronics

​Renesas Electronics Corporation (Renesas), a tier one provider of advanced semiconductor solutions and one of the largest providers of wireless charging ICs, has announced that its wholly owned subsidiary has entered an agreement with the shareholders of Panthronics AG (Panthronics), a fabless semiconductor company specializing in high-performance Near-Field Communication (NFC) wireless products. In this agreement Renesas will wholly acquire Panthronics, adding their entire repertoire to Renesas’ product library.

Panthronics provide solutions for both NFC readers and wireless power transfer. While NFC has become a standard for data transfer and authentication, the market for NFC based wireless power transfer is still in its infancy. Renesas is already one of the biggest names in wireless power ICs, and this acquisition will allow it to have an immediate strong foothold in the market for NFC wireless power transfer. SAR covers NFC wireless power transfer as a part of its wider Wireless Power and Charging Technologies service.

The original article is here.

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