Shure release a new KSM series wireless microphone

Image Source: Shure

April 19th saw the release of Shure’s brand new wireless microphone, and addition to the KSM series, the KSM11. The company claims that the microphone is capable of “natural” and “high-clarity” sound. However, while this microphone is a condenser, SAR does not expect it to be used in a studio setting due it being wireless. While modern wireless codecs offer high-quality audio, studio recording are supposed to be of the highest quality, and as it stands today, an XLR connection outperforms any wireless codec for audio quality and latency. Instead this microphone will be marketed towards liver performances and broadcast audio. 

SAR currently covers the professional and consumer microphone markets in its Enterprise service. Both of which are expected to see high growth in the next few years, primarily due to the move to home working and home studios. 

The original article is here.

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