
DATAportl uses blended market research techniques to derive and generate market insight and projections. We ensure the accuracy of data through thousands of hours of rigorous primary and secondary research across hundreds of equipment markets. Our dedicated research team engages with industry experts through in-depth interviews and remote discussions, complemented by periodic surveys, including our market confidence tracker. We enrich this with secondary research, extracting key insights from product websites, financial reports, and press releases, alongside demographic data from authoritative sources like the U.N, World Bank, IMF, and OECD. 

In DATAportl, we present this comprehensive data in user-friendly formats, including detailed product and market player tables, and as foundational elements in tools like company profiles. Our forecasting models, developed through our proprietary SAR curve modelling techniques, integrate diverse primary and secondary data sources. This innovative approach enables us to reliably predict equipment market trends, including unit shipments, revenue forecasts, and average selling prices. Our methodology, updated regularly to reflect market shifts, is designed to provide our clients with actionable insights, aiding strategic decision-making in a fast-evolving market landscape. 



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