USB Wall Socket Market Growth, Opportunities & Challenges

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Annual shipments of wall sockets with integrated USB are forecast to more than double from 2024 to 2029, offering opportunities for socket manufacturers as well as suppliers of semiconductors required to enable multi-port USB interfaces, greater power delivery via USB PD and the power density required to provide safe delivery of power of 100W+ in a form factor suitable for each regional variation of standard socket size.

According to Dataportl’s latest statistics, more than 3 billion rechargeable portable electronic devices shipped in 2023 and this number is predicted to increase annually over the next 5 years. Demand for faster charging has resulted in rapid innovation in both the devices and in the design of power adapters and chargers. USB Type-C was developed to unify our charging connectors, whilst USB power delivery (PD) was developed to first enable safe power delivery over USB cables of up to 100W;  now with USB extended power range (EPR) providing up to 240W.

Whilst innovation over the past decade has been rapid for power adapter design, the evolution of USB in wall sockets has trailed behind. Many designs are available on the market but to date options with USB power output of more than 10W-15W are limited and even this is often shared between more than one port.

Convenience (or lack of it)

Part of the challenge is that a key driver for the adoption of USB in wall sockets is convenience to the user. Integrating the function of USB and a traditional power outlet allows for optimisation of socket usage by multiple powered devices. The issue with a wall socket, however, is that by definition it is located in the wall. Most of the charging cables that ship with portable electronics such as cell phones and tablets are a maximum of 1m long. With many users demanding “always-on” availability, there is often a requirement to charge their device whilst it’s in use. Due to the proximity of furniture to wall sockets in many modern homes, without meters or cables trialling across the room, plugging into the wall socket via USB is only convenient where there is proximity of furniture to the wall socket.

This, of course, doesn’t eliminate the current and future adoption of USB wall sockets, but DATAportl’s latest analysis suggests that it restricts adoption in residential deployments to specific rooms and locations. During research for its latest report, “The Global Market for USB Wall Sockets”, analysts discovered that kitchen and bedroom sockets on either side of a bed are the most popular placement, particularly for retrofit installations, where the homeowner replaces a traditional socket with one which has integrated USB. New build residential properties tend to have more sockets which include USB but the additional cost is still prohibitive for areas of the home that don’t offer any additional convenience.

USB Connectors & Power Ratings

Another challenge is the changing physical and technical properties of USB as a standard interface. Many consumers have legacy cables with USB-A connectors, newer devices typically use USB-C but some of these still ship with a USB-A to USB-C cable. This drives requirements for USB wall sockets with multiple port types. DATAportl identifies and forecasts 7 different configurations in its report with the most popular currently being 1 USB-A and 1 USB-C port available within a single wall socket.

Fast charging capabilities and profiles are also often confusing to the consumer. Their device will only authenticate with the correct connectors, cables and charging profiles included in the power adapter/USB wall socket. USB PD is now prevalent in many smartphones, tablets and notebooks which makes the user experience more seamless. Chinese smartphone manufacturers, however, have formed an alternative standard, the universal fast charging standard (UFSC), which is not inherently compatible with USB PD. The USB-IF has announced it is working with the UFSC in a bid to enable cross-compatibility in the future.

Whilst DATAportl predicts that the highest volume of USB wall socket shipments in the next 5 years will remain in the 10W-15W per port power rating category, the strongest growth is projected for those that deliver more than 20W per port. Its report provides a granular breakdown by 11 power rating categories ranging from 5W or less to greater than 150W. Although today we are only just seeing wall sockets with integrated USB power ratings reaching 65W, it is expected that higher power capabilities for use with more power-hungry notebooks and applications which may adopt >100W via USB EPR such as battery powered vacuums, power tools and other small appliances.


A cumulative five-year market opportunity of almost $40 billion exists based on USB wall socket retail pricing. The largest opportunity exists in USB wall sockets for residential installations where DATAportl forecasts annual revenues will almost triple from 2024 to 2029. Strong growth is also forecast for the use of USB wall sockets in hotels and airports, commercial (e.g. offices) and industrial sectors.

Due to the complexity of electronics design and the requirements for greater power density, USB wall sockets that deliver more than 20W per USB port provide opportunities for GaN FET and IC semiconductor manufacturers. At higher power, safety is critical. Using GaN can reduce switching losses typically dissipated as heat, in turn providing greater conversion efficiency which uses less electricity, reducing costs. An example of industry collaboration was announced by Innoscience in November 2024, revealing that Legrand’s upcoming 27W and 45W wall sockets with USB would include its GaN chip. DATAportl covered the announcement here.

Competitive Landscape

More than 10 major suppliers of USB wall sockets are identified in DATAportl’s market share analysis. The top 2 players, Legrand Group and Schneider Electric, each account for a large percentage of the cumulative market total though greater fragmentation is expected in the market as variations in design and power rating emerge.

Future Prospects

USB wall sockets are poised to become a staple in homes, offices, and public spaces. With ongoing advancements in technology and a focus on user convenience, the future of USB wall sockets holds exciting possibilities, promising a seamless and integrated power experience for users around the world. Manufacturers are likely to focus on enhancing the safety features of USB wall sockets, addressing concerns related to overcharging, and in public space deployments, cybersecurity. Advanced circuitry and built-in safeguards will become standard features to ensure user safety.

As sustainability becomes a focal point in product development, USB wall sockets may adopt eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient technologies. Energy-saving modes and the direct incorporation of renewable energy sources could become key features. Integration with home automation systems will allow users to control and monitor their power usage, schedule charging times, and receive notifications about energy consumption.

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Article provided by Ryan Sanderson, COO and Research Director, DATAportl.



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