Toho and Wi-Charge Partner to Promote Wireless Charging at Manufacturing Sites

Wi-Charge, a provider of OTA (Over The Air) wireless power technology, and Toho Technology Corporation (Toho), a leading manufacturer and solution provider of electronics for factory equipment, have announced a partnership to begin embedding wireless power into its products and solutions. The stated goal of this partnership is to deliver greater efficiencies and improved productivity for manufacturers in Japan and around the world.

OTA wireless charging solutions are still very new, and the technology providers are trying to find their niche. Toho’s customers include manufacturers of sensors, radios and the end users of these products. Despite the limited amount of power that is able to be transferred over the air and meet industry regulations, it is perfectly suitable for these low-power applications. This partnership is an excellent opportunity for Wi-Charge to exhibit the benefits of OTA power transfer. Assuming this partnership is successful, it is likely that OTA power will continue to gain ground in low-power industrial applications. SAR insight and consulting covers all major wireless charging applications, including OTA power transfer as part of its Wireless Power and Charging Technologies service.

The original article is here.

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