EVgo and Delta Electronics announce strategic collaboration to advance nationwide access to EV charging

Image Source: EVgo

Evgo’s newly announced supply agreement with Delta Electronics reinforces the growing demand, not just for EV charging station infrastructure in general, but for the correct balance between standard charging and fast charging capabilities.  

Whilst 1000 charging stations is less than 10% of the total number SAR forecasts will be deployed in the US in 2023 alone, the importance of rapid charging stations within the overall mix has proven critical by other countries further along in their infrastructure rollout. Norway for example, where BEVs already account for almost 90% of new vehicle sales, manages with a public charging infrastructure charging station ratio of over 40 charging stations per EV passenger car on the road, owing to its early roll-out (from 2016) of 50kW+ charging stations deployed in areas that drivers typically needed to charge up in a short space of time. The correct mixture of slower chargers on the street or in office car parks, where vehicles are positioned for longer periods, vs. fast chargers positioned at shopping centres, traditional fuel stations and purpose-built electric forecourts/hubs has created a suitable ecosystem for EV drivers.  

The USA is not comparable to Norway both in size and complexity of EV infrastructure roll out due to USA’s terrain and remote areas, but this highlights the importance of fast charging stations in EV infrastructure strategy. A comparison of EV public infrastructure rollout to 2030 by more than 50 countries can be found in SARs EV Charging Service

The original article is here.

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