Electric-car charging stations are becoming more common, but there’s still one huge problem: Tons of them don’t work

Image Source: Business Insider

A recent survey conducted in California, USA revealed that out of 181 DC fast chargers visited, only 72.5% were functional. Whilst this is only a small sample of the total 100,000 plus EV charging points in the USA, the results highlight a challenge which will need addressing as countries continue to roll out EV charging infrastructure.  

With many countries adopting strategy which includes a fine balance of both slow and fast charging stations in order to both minimise the overall total quantity of charging station installations needed and meet the rapidly increasing demand from EV owners having almost a quarter of the infrastructure “offline” would cause a huge impact. In many countries, it’s likely that the situation will get worse before it gets better as the race to deploy additional stations takes priority over servicing. This highlights the importance of smart EV charging networks that can alert operators remotely when issues arise, but also that budgets for EV charging infrastructure rollout need to include servicing and maintenance. 

SAR quantifies and forecasts the global public EV charging infrastructure market, broken down more than 50 countries its EV Charging Service

The original article is here.

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